Ling Bob J I And N School




At Ling Bob School, we believe that all pupils should be able to confidently communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions through their writing.  We want pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, a solid understanding of grammar and be able to spell new words by effectively applying the spelling patterns and rules they learn throughout their time in primary school.  We want our children to write clearly, accurately and coherently, across the curriculum, adapting their language and style for a range of purposes and audiences.  We believe that all pupils should be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing, in part by developing a good, joined handwriting style.  We take time to ensure the basic transcription elements of writing are embedded by the time the children leave year 1. We acknowledge that all good writers refine and edit their writing over time so we want children to develop independence in being able to identify their own areas for improvement, editing their work effectively during and after the writing process. The curriculum is adapted appropriately for those children with SEND so that skills and knowledge are developed alongside children’s confidence.


In Practice

At Ling Bob School, writing is taught through a wide range of inspiring texts which are selected based on children’s interests, relevance to the writing genre being taught and ambitious vocabulary. These texts chosen for their relevance to the children's development as readers and writers. They will sometimes be linked to topics where this is felt it will enhance learning. There is a focus on vocabulary to enhance children's language skills and to give them a context for their writing.

Pupils are taught age related expectations as set out in the National Curriculum. Lessons are carefully sequenced so that relevant grammar and punctuation skills are taught progressively, they are then practised and applied within different forms of writing. This approach embeds the children's skills and builds pupils’ confidence and stamina for writing. 

The texts we use and the vocabulary we teach give the children a voice for their writing. Film and imagery are also used to deepen children’s understanding, facilitate debate and spark imagination.

Speaking and Listening

We know that good language is crucial for the children's development of writing, from entry into in our Early Years we work on developing children's language and communication skills through all areas of learning. Staff follow the Hanen approach when working with the children in provision and also more formally using 'Talk for Writing' strategies to retell stories. We have also incorporated a wide range of speaking and listening games and activities into the curriculum for example, role play, hot seating, discussions and debates.


Spelling is taught using Little Wandle in FS and KS1, then discreetly in KS2 using Spelling Shed. These schemes support children as they progress from phonics with a rigorous pathway that builds knowledge year on year.  Children are expected to apply their developing knowledge of spelling patterns and spelling rules when writing across the curriculum.


The Letter Join Handwriting Scheme is used to teach handwriting across school. In Reception, children begin to learn how to form letters correctly and it is expected that by Year 3, children can write neatly and fluently using the correct cursive script. 

Marking and Feedback

Feedback and marking is completed, wherever possible, within the lesson. All marking and feedback is given in-line with our Marking and Feedback Policy.


Children complete an independent task at the end of every two week unit of work. At least one of these is used to formally assess children once every half term. Teachers use the statements on the children's profiles to formatively assess children, these are also used at the end of the half term to provide a summative assessment.  Moderation is carried out each half term by our LMT to quality assure teacher judgements.



Our text rich curriculum is designed to ensure that when pupils leave Ling Bob School they can write confidently and use their voice on a wide range of situations that will prepare them for life. They will also have developed an inquisitiveness about life through our rich offer of texts. We expect our pupils to write as well or better than their peers nationally.

Published Writing

Ling Bob J, I & N School, Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax, HX2 0QD

01422 434000