In school we have a well-established Pastoral Team who work with parents and children when there is an identified need. The Pastoral team consists of 5 members of staff who have a range of skills and expertise in different areas, for example: behaviour support, emotional health & well-being, safeguarding, special educational needs.
If you feel you would like to speak to a member of the Pastoral team about anything ranging from bereavement, behaviour, family breakdowns, child friendship issues or anything else which is causing you or your child concerns, then we would be happy to help.
Please be assured that any information discussed with the pastoral team will lonely be shared with relevant members of staff where necessary unless there is a safeguarding concern where we may have to seek advice.
Ling Bob School Pastoral Team
Jeanette Bolton – Pastoral Team Leader & Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Mandy Amos – Pastoral Support & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Janet McNamara – Behaviour Lead
Kath Dennis – Emotional Health & Well-being Practitioner
Samantha Baker - Behaviour Support
Ling Bob J, I & N School, Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax, HX2 0QD
01422 434000