Ling Bob J I And N School

Physical Education



At Ling Bob School, we recognise the importance of physical education and the role it has to play in promoting long term, healthy lifestyles. The intent of our physical education curriculum is to improve the health, well-being and fitness of all children, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes. Through well-planned, high quality PE and sports teaching, both in the curriculum and as part of extracurricular provision, we seek to ensure that all children show resilience and have self-esteem to succeed, motivate others and embed values such as fairness and respect. We also expect our children to be able to evaluate and reflect using subject specific vocabulary, demonstrate leadership and decision making skills and know when to apply and adapt these skills to excel and achieve their own personal best.


In Practice

Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently, with confidence. All children have a PE sessions each week, we use PE Pro to plan and deliver this covering all aspects of the PE National Curriculum.

In KS1, they focus on mastering basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination. In KS2, children continue to develop these skills and apply them in team games, they develop simple tactics and they also learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. 

We are an 'Active School' and as well as teaching discrete PE lessons, we endeavour to make our lessons and also break times and lunchtimes as active as possible. We have well equipped playgrounds, a sports field an outdoor classroom and an outdoor area specifically for the EYFS children. Within our vibrant EYFS area, we have a new trim trail which was designed to provide opportunities for children to develop and improve fundamental skills using various body parts.

We also use PE as a tool to build the ‘Cultural Capital’ of our students by providing as many sporting opportunities as possible.  Throughout the year, we have an annual sports day and we host interschool sporting competitions every Friday lunchtime in football, cricket and hockey. There are also interschool competitions in bench ball, cross country, volleyball and rugby throughout the year. As well as this, we are a member of the local School Games organisation. This provides many opportunities for our children to take part in interschool sports tournaments and also regional and national competitions. We also have a whole school health day and when possible, we arrange trips for our children to watch live, elite level, international sport. Furthermore, we have special assemblies where we invite professional athletes to inspire and motivate our children. In UKS2, children are given the opportunity to be ‘Playleaders’ where they demonstrate the skills they have learnt in lessons by organising and running activities for their peers at break times and lunch times.

Swimming is an important life skill and is introduced to the timetable in Year 4. We aspire for all children to leave Ling Bob having met at least the minimum requirements of the National Curriculum.  Children who fail to reach the National Curriculum standard by the end of Year 4 will attend top up swimming sessions in Year 6.

At Ling Bob School, we are incredibly proud of our extensive range of extra-curricular sporting clubs which are on offer before, during and after school. All of our clubs are fully inclusive and endeavour to encourage not only physical development but also children’s mental health and well-being. Many of these clubs are run by specialist coaches from both professional and amateur clubs in the local community, in turn creating pathways for children to further develop these skills outside of the school environment. Below are some links to the local sports clubs we work closely with. Please click on these for more information:



We hope that all of our children enjoy and value the sporting and physical activities that we deliver in our school. Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children through the sporting skills taught but also through the underpinning values that PE promotes. Through personal challenge and experiencing competition, both inside and outside of school, we hope that children become physically confident and develop a sense of personal pride and pride for our school. We hope to instil in our children the understanding that to be successful, they need to take ownership and responsibility for their own health and fitness. By doing so, we sincerely hope that that they will grow up to lead happy and healthy lives, utilising the skills and knowledge that they have acquired through PE at Ling Bob School.


Pokemon Futsal Festival Champions- March 2022

Chance2Shine-February 2022

Primary Panathlon Champions- December 2021

Cross Country 2021-22


Chance to shine cricket 2022

Football at the Shay

Ling Bob J, I & N School, Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax, HX2 0QD

01422 434000