Ling Bob J I And N School

Early Years Foundation Stage



Our Early Years Curriculum aims to lay a secure foundation for future learning. We engage children in learning from the very start and expect our children to leave us as happy, confident and skilful communicators who are curious about the world around them.

All staff work hard as a team to create a positive, caring and welcoming atmosphere where the children feel secure yet are challenged to achieve their best. The emphasis is very much on helping individual children to achieve their full potential. We are fully inclusive, and all children are expected to think about the needs of others. We respect all families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with each one. We provide for and support every child. We know that children do their best when all their physical and emotional needs are being met. We embrace the individual and all staff understand that each child is different, and their learning requirements and styles are unique too. By providing a high level of wellbeing this in turn leads to high levels of child development and the ability to create and think critically. We aim to provide our children with knowledge, skills and experiences in a hands on, holistic way so that all learning is embedded in a meaningful context.

In Practice


Our curriculum is carefully planned and responds to the children’s needs. We find out about and recognise their previous learning and the experiences they’ve had at home and in nursery/preschool settings. We develop good relationships with parents and keep them involved in their children’s learning through Seesaw. We place a strong emphasis on reading and aim to ensure that all children leave Reception as competent, skilled readers. We believe children should be exposed to high quality texts that improve the breadth of their vocabulary. As part of each ‘Topic’ the children in the EYFS study a book for two weeks; this enables the children to become immersed in the book and to gain a thorough understanding of the key vocabulary and concepts. Transition is thorough to ensure that children settle quickly and new learning builds upon and strengthens their previous understanding. Our daily routines also support the children to settle in and feel comfortable within the environment. Children are taught in our EYs unit, there are three different sections within the unit– rising threes, three and four year olds and Reception children.

Children in our Early Years follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS). It has seven main areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive Arts and Design


Early language development is at the core of all our teaching and our environment is organised in order to promote this along with all of the other areas of learning. A practical, playful approach to learning, based on the needs and interests of our children, is delivered mainly through topic-based planning. However, we also teach explicit number, phonics and reading sessions each day, in line with the rest of the school we use the PenPals handwriting scheme to teach handwriting. We start this in Reception and all the children have opportunity to practice their handwriting on a regular basis. Children are taught individually, in small groups, in key worker groups and in whole cohorts. Through a combination of teacher input and continuous provision opportunities, learning is planned to encourage children to develop their learning independently through exploration and challenge. The ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ are at the heart of the Early Years Curriculum and explore the different ways in which children learn. They highlight the importance of playing and learning, active learning and thinking critically. All the learning experiences we plan for the children allow them to utilise and develop these skills. Our learning environments, both inside and outside, are stimulating and exciting; they are relevant to the needs and age/stage of our children.

Trips, visits and workshops are planned to spark the children's interest and enhance our curriculum. We make sure these are interesting, relevant to the cohort and embed the children’s learning. Typical trips include Library visits, Balance bikes, visits to the farm or the park.

Tracking and monitoring progress

Our staff observe the children responding to their learning with feedback in order to move their learning on. They also carry out focused written observations to inform future planning. Written observations are recorded on Early Essence and this system is also used to track progress.

In line with the EYFS Revised Framework we ensure that the children who are ‘not on track’ receive targeted input or interventions. This allows for accelerated progress and ensures that no child is left behind. When children enter Reception we complete the Reception Baseline. This is then used to track progress over their school career.

Parental engagement

At Ling Bob school we believe a strong relationship with parents and carers is key. Through the use of the app Seesaw parents and carer continue to be at the heart of the children’ education. As well as other communication we share ‘WOW’ moments through this app. This enables the parents to be fully involved in their child's learning and continue this learning at home.

To find out more follow this link



That children make good progress from their individual starting points. We ensure that all children get the best possible start to their school life, develop the knowledge and skills to reach their potential and are ready to thrive in KS1. Through positive relationships we aim to foster children who are confident, resilient learners.


Ling Bob J, I & N School, Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax, HX2 0QD

01422 434000